Welcome to our new dedicated news site for Supernatural at WormholeRiders News Agency (WHR)!
Today we continue our deployment of new dedicated news sites after having heard and listened to your input and suggestions over the past three years. Henceforth each franchise television series we review and report on will be showcased on its own news blog to make it easier to find all the news pertaining to a specific series without having to search around!
As mentioned previously, the deployment was originally planned for execution with migration of data from WormholeRiders Dot Com in mid November 2011, although now restored, we are sure that you have noticed the poor ole’ Dot Com server simply ran out of steam a few days ago and was off the Internet for a time 🙁
No, the Dot Com site was not hacked, the ole’ goat just ran out of steam and returned after a good feeding! 😉
Fear not, all the data and many thousands of posts and comments were backed up and are in process of being migrated to each new news site. The ole’ Dot Com server has been in need of attention for some time due to the huge volume of traffic it receives. The ole’ boy (or girl to be non sexist) has been in service for nearly three years and simply needed more “steam” before we “gave up the goat” and executed our plan for a complete reorganization of our news sites into dedicated sites for each series or activity!
The old goat WHR Dot Com having return is scheduled for a new look and feel in the future providing an easy to use interface for navigating to each series. The data migration will include all the series we have covered (yes even the non renewed series of the past), each on their own news blog to make things a whole lot easier for you to find the specific series, review or news item we all enjoy.
In the meantime while we work to restore Dot Com and re-program our original site the new features there, we will continue our detailed reviews and analysis by launching at least nine (9) new news sites in the next 30 days, with five (5) going active this week!
In closing for now, we apologize for the inconvenience of having WormholeRiders Dot Com off the Internet, but the teams at WHR will be working hard to continue to bring you uninterrupted reviews and series news as we continue to complete the upgrades!
Thank you for reading and visiting WormholeRiders News Agency.
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Best Regards,
WR_Systems (Kenn)
Welcome to the dedicated Supernatural news site by WHR under the leadership of Bonnie R. Jones! Check back often for new reviews and special series news as we expand our coverage of Supernatural! Thank you.
Best Regards,