Welcome to the wonderfully altered season four of Discover Haven!
The fourth episode of Haven season four, directed by Lee Rose and fabulous make up by Stephen Lynch, brought joy to the admirers of the series as Audrey Parker (Emily Rose) returned safely to Haven.
This after we learned Audrey is now Lexie and she must escape an imploding wormhole bar/barn Pocket Universe where she had become ensnared with William (Colin Ferguson) due to the circumstances surrounding her disappearance at the end of season three.
The secondary story arc deals with some ancients, who somehow have come to our fair city under dubious intentions that literally puts Nathan Wournos (Lucas Bryant) on his back side!
The mysterious circumstances of “Lost and Found” revolve around the missing ancient malevolent children who have been up to, or shall we say put up to some sort of mischief in Haven?
Lost and Found:
As we have already related in previous review, the “bar” where Lexie Dewitt (Emily Rose) and William are struggling to escape before it collapses is actually the “barn” from the previous season finale “Thanks for the Memories”.
William, who this reviewer has theorized is “The Colorado Kid” is trapped in the barn with Lexie. Both must find the doorway out of the wormhole Pocket Universe to escape. If Lexie/Audrey/Sarah/Lucy cannot locate the doorway to escape, her character will cease to exist with untold consequences for the town of Haven!
This leads the viewers and this reviewer to postulate and consider several questions;
1. Will the town and its inhabitants cease to exist if Lexie/Audrey dies?
2. Is Haven actually real or was it constructed by The Colorado Kid for his own nefarious purposes?
3. What will happen to all the people in the town, real or not?
And how does Jennifer (Emma Lahana) and her rescue of Duke (Eric Balfour) in Boston relate to all of this. As we have learned, Jennifer has been able to overhear the conversations in the bar/barn from Boston.
We have also learned that “Troubled Jennifer” does not do so well under pressure, losing her ability to hear inside the bar/barn Pocket Universe.
To alleviate her stress, Duke and Jennifer perform some yoga (with Jennifer inverted) which appears to help her hear the voices again while Nathan (Lucas Bryant) teams up with Dwight (Adam Copeland) to solve the mystery of the “Troubled Children” with Dwight.
In the course of search for the missing children kids, one of my favorite characters appears, Jordan McKee (Kate Kelton) who provides much needed assistance. Let me digress a bit. Some admirers of Haven have indicated they think the Jordan character is too bitchy.
I disagree. The writers have written the character this way for a specific reason. Kate Kelton does a superb job acting the part that was created and written for her.
While the precise purpose of the Jordan McKee character remains to be revealed, we do know that she has been influential in saving Haven from destruction several times as a loyal member of The Guard.
And for this, everyone should be grateful “bitchy” Jordan, who was jilted by Nathan Wournos last season, does not simply blast him with her shotgun since we should remember that “hell has no fury as a woman spurned”!
Meanwhile Vince Teagues (Richard Donat) and his brother Dave Teagues (John Dunsworth) investigate and link the disappearance of the children to an old Haven legend.
They mention another season four clue known as “The Room”.
We must ask ourselves just what is “The Room”, where did it come from, what knowledge is inside of it, and do only the Teagues know of it’s existence?
The answers to these enigmatic questions will need to wait for another day, and for another exciting episode of Haven!
In their discovery process, and this reviewer always enjoys the Teagues knowledge of Haven, they learn that older teenage young adults have been kidnapping the young ones for their own purposes, this subsequent to witnessing one of these circumstances on a surveillance video.
Known as “The Douen Kids”, these hideous little creatures have claws and fangs somewhat reminiscent of “Children of the Corn” who are observed playing “Ring Around the Posey” in the forest to some really creepy music!
This reviewer thinks they look like younger versions of adult werewolves. We learn that the “Trouble” seems to have started with Carmen Brock (Krista Bridges), principal of the Haven “Sunnyside” nursery school. Carmen’s trouble relates to her infertility and inability to bear children.
Dwight and Nathan have been searching for clues. Nathan meets Carmen Brock. As principal of Sunnyside, she has been searching the area where two of the missing children have disappeared.
Carmen Brock suddenly disappears leaving Nathan and Dwight to seek out answers from her husband, Braer Brock (Steven McCarthy).
With no answer at the door, Nathan and Dwight break into the Brock home only to find her husband Braer who has gone made about his wife’s disappearance.
Of course, we theorize that Carmen is being used by“The Douen Kids” to make up for her own lack of children as the Teagues found out about in “The Room”.
Back in the bar/barn Lexie finds the escape door. She is frightened. William tells her to go through with a “leap of faith”. William also informs Lexie to “Listen to the foghorn and remember. It will help you through the door” back to Haven.
At this juncture we must theorize that The Colorado Kid (William) needs to have Lexie return to Haven as Audrey. Why? Recall that during the season three finale Audrey was supposed to disappear and restart the twenty-seven year cycle restore peace in The Troubled town.

Since this did not occur, to William’s own potential detriment, we can assume it also have some effect on William’s life.
This reviewer believes William needs to have balance restored from the twenty-seven year curse for his own existence since things went wrong and Audrey did not disappear for twenty-seven years after the Pocket Universe barn has begun to fail (is collapsing).
The question we need to consider is whether or not William is a force for good? Or is William a force of evil? The answer to this question remains outstanding at this point in the season four story arc and will remain so at episodes end.
We learn Jennifer’s purpose when she arrives at the barn after she earlier learned that there are two doors that will need to be opened.
Not only can she hear what is happening inside the bar, she can see a door (the outside one) that no one else can visualize. It becomes apparent that Jennifer was originally sent to Boston to keep her away from barn so that Lexie/Audrey would vanish for twenty-seven years.
Jordan and The Guard have followed Nathan to the barn “door” that only Jennifer can see. They are listening for the correct time after Lexie opens the door from the inside, so that Jennifer can help her “Escape to Haven”.
A frantic Dave Teagues arrives in a panic. Brandishing a gun, Dave tells everyone that the “Door” should NOT be opened. We must assume that Dave wants Lexie to remain inside for 27 years, but as in the past of Haven, Dave does not reveal to anyone about his source (“The Room”).
After some serious discussion about what has happened since last years events, the doors are opened at the same time blasting everyone to the ground with it’s wormhole power. As Nathan calls for Audrey, Lexie makes the jump back in to our reality in Haven.
William had indicated earlier to Lexia that; “You will be whoever you most want to be.” From this reveal we must assume that Audrey is Lexie, but does she remember memories from Audrey too? It would seem so since she passionately kisses Nathan, but then says she does not “know” him.
Have we seen the last of the mysterious William? This reviewer thinks the answer is a definite no!
However, mysterious William does not emerge from the bar/barn in “Lost and Found”. Much remains to be learned about William since we never learned who he actually was, or why he was in the bar/barn in the first place.
We anticipate William’s return near the end of this season to dovetail into the fifth season of one of my favorite series.
In the end of the episode Audrey returns to Haven as Lexie Dewitt. Nathan tries to convince Lexie to kill him, but now that he is not her one true love anymore, tied to the facts that Lexie does not recognize him, or know who Audrey Parker, the matter is a bit superfluous for the time being.
At episodes conclusion “The Guard” demands that Lexie Dewitt kill Nathan to complete and fulfill the prophecy Nathan had agreed to in the season opener. Lexie refuses to kill a man she does not know. This leads to a series of questions with everyone confounded as to whether or not The Troubles will ever be dealt with at all!
The final questions are whether or not Audrey Parker as a person is gone forever? Will she and Nathan fall back in love, but this time as a new couple? This reviewer believes that Audrey Parker will return (Lexie will remember), AND that we have not seen the last of William in the season four story arc.
Additional points to ponder and questions; We also need to learn about “The Room” and what Dave Teagues learned there that got him so spooked. Will the barn disappear only to reappear as it has in past seasons? What is the true purpose of the bar/barn Pocket Universe Wormhole and why was it created as alluded to in the episode as “a space between worlds”? What “worlds” are being referred to? Alternate realities? Other planets? Is the barn a doorway from other dimensions or galaxies?
This reviewer gives “Lost and Found” another “Straight A” for great acting, story arc, memorable (pun intended) location shooting and for furthering the Single Effect of Haven in season four! A hearty well done for the cast, the crews and the creators!
I thank you, the loyal visitors, for reading and visiting our dedicated Haven site here at WormholeRiders News Agency.
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