Welcome back WormholeRiders seeking answers in the Helix!
As we begin the second season of a fantastic science fiction adventure, let us consider the road from the past, leading to “The Island” of San Jose where the second season of Helix will be based.
Season one of Helix was directed by industry veterans whom we at WormholeRiders have long admired. Including Brad Turner, Mike Rohl, Steven A. Adelson, Jeremiah Chechik, Bradley Walsh and Jeffrey Reiner, Helix laid a solid foundation with fabulous stars we will be counting, for what we are confident will be a successful multi-year series that is sure to delight science fiction aficionado’s for many years to come!
Coupled with superb writing by series creator Cameron Porsandeh and his team of Misha Green, Steven Maeda, Sean Crouch, Javier Grillo-Marxuach, Adam Lash, Cori Uchida, Tiffany Greshler, Mark Haslett and Keith Duff, Helix quickly rocketed from what some thought was going to be a sleeper series, to runaway hit, certain to please all at the Ilaria corporation!
While some of the Helix season one team have moved on to exciting new entertainment projects, and we certainly wish them well, thanks to all involved, including the genius of Ronald D. Moore, Lynda Obst, Maril Davis, and Stephen Welke, to name but a few, Helix earned a well deserved season two after quickly reaching the top of the science fiction charts in the hearts and the minds of viewers on Showcase Canada, Syfy in the United States, and multiple markets across Europe on the Syfy affiliates located there.
Recalling the final episode of season one, our heroes prepare to leave the Ilaria arctic base. Team leader Doctor Alan Farragut (Billy Campbell) hands Doctor Julia Walker (Kyra Zagorsky), nicknamed “Jules”, canisters of the nasty Narvik virus that had been under the control of Hatake (Hiroyuki Sanada). All know they will need to mass produce a cure in the event of an inevitable wide
r worldwide outbreak.
We learn the first clue about season two when Alan reveals they will have travel to the area of Puerto Rico. Jules stated “We’ll take them (the canisters) there together”.
We know that the romance between the two main characters, former husband and wife has rekindled over the course of the first season of Helix, evidenced by a smooch when Jules pulls Alan in for a kiss.
Jules ex-lover Peter Farragut (Neil Napier) witnesses the entire scene. We also learned that Peter appears to be in league with another character who has caused trouble in the final episodes of season one of Helix. Peter is obviously none too happy about the apparent reconciliation between Alan and Julia.
That character is “The Scythe” (Robert Naylor). Who could forget the look on his face, screaming “Mother!” when Alan (Billy Campbell) threw the severed head of “mommy”, Constance Sutton (Jeri L. Ryan) into the helicopter as Alan fell back to the snowy landscape of the destroyed arctic base with the canisters the Narvik virus. Jules, now an immortal was whisked away, but to where?!
The last scene of the first season episode Dans L’Ombre (In The Shadows) revealed this detail and was certainly a shocker!
This scene found us with Jules, in the Ilaria boardroom, with her lovely silver eyes, stating “Shall We Begin?!”. Jules, one of the 500 “immortals” in charge of the Ilaria Corporation, is the new chairperson of the Board of Directors!
The first season of Helix featured a story arc that echoes the fears of many people worldwide, that major corporations with an agenda to enslave the world, unleashing an epidemic that threatens the existence of billions, something radical Islamic terrorists like ISIS, who would do anything to inflict suffering on non believer “infidels”.
Helix also artfully utilizes adult language, where appropriate, something adult viewers can appreciate only on a cable channel in the United States which has antiquated restrictions on the use of appropriately descriptive language on broadcast television.
The second season of Helix promises an exciting epic continuation of the season one story arc, a series (recapped below) which this editor has waited with baited breath to enjoy with glee in 2015!
San Jose:
We begin Helix season two with a woman who is observed seeking shelter in the boiler room of a yacht. The woman, who will become the second seasons first “red shirt”, is horrified as her shipmates have battled each other to death on the yacht top side.
It is here we learn about the utilization of the famed 1968 song by Dionne Warwick “Do You Know The Way To San Jose” which originally referred to San Jose California. All season long, admirers of Helix wondered why this song was featured. In “San Jose” we are treated to the relevance of the election of the beloved ballad.
We shift to our hero Jules. At this point we learn that she is some 30 years in the future. Still missing her ring finger cut off by The Scythe, Jules is now sporting an appropriate bionic prosthetic.
Jules lands on an island. Carrying a digital recorder she logs that “the pandemic” originated on this island.
Seeking a cure by locating the origin of Patient Zero, our lovely hero is approached by someone wearing what appears to be a makeshift hazmat suit.
The final relevance of “Do You Know The Way To San Jose” is made manifest as the scary looking hazmat clad demands asks if Jules knows the way to San Jose. This character smacks Jules with a tree branch! YIKES!
Segue to a U.S. Navy vessel with a real hazmat-suit-clad team including Doctor Sarah Jordan (Jordan Hayes) and Peter Farragut (Neil Napier). We meet a new character, Doctor Kyle Sommer (Matt Long) who questions Leila.
All examine the victims on the yacht who have perished. Most think (incorrectly) the virus is from an apparently new variant of Narvik. Each victim has puked up what looks like yellowish goat cheese! YUCK!
The “red shirt” lady named Leila (Cristina Rosato) had jumped Sarah and Kyle. Weakened from her ordeal, Leila is injected with a sedative of some sort. Upon awakening, Leila, reveals everyone else on the boat got sick three days prior, after a side trip to an island, St. Germain, where Jules is in the future.
On the yacht off the coast of the island, we learn that Sarah apparently no longer appears pregnant and wonder why? Was the baby born? Was it Narvik infected?
The chatter on Twitter during the season two premiere evidenced that most want to know what happened to Alan and her child. Peter’s actions with The Scythe and who he is loyal to have yet to be revealed.
Doctor Sommer questions Sarah regarding her nightmarish experience at the Ilaria arctic base as they learn that the new virus is not Narvik. Sarah is not sharing details to Kyle, a handsome devil who may become Sarah’s season two love interest. In the meantime, Peter, Sarah, Kyle and Leila head off to the island to seek answers.
The Commander of the U.S. Navy vessel (Patricia Summerset) agrees to take them to St. Germain to look around. Leila agrees to go along to “ do something.” Leila’s trip to St. Germain will earn her the prize of the season two’s first “red shirt” status.
A flash to a scene where poor Jules has been captured and been dragged by Caleb (Jim Thorburn) from Helix season one to his shack. Poor Jules screams for help to no avail.
In two timelines, years apart, Caleb dispenses with Leila, in the future, Caleb is stroking Jules’s hair and demanding once again; “Do You Know The Way To San Jose”. Caleb leaves the hooch briefly when he hears a scream from outside.
We return to roped and hog tied Jules, who unsuccessfully tried to get free of her restraints. No dice. Caleb sans his homemade hazmat suit, now appears to be prepared to torture Jules with an ugly pair of tweezers from his handy kit of torture tools! Instead of torturing Jules who is begging for mercy, Caleb removes her contact lenses to reveal her lovely immortal silver eyes!
It is here we were more than delighted with the mystery of Helix wrapped nicely in an enigma by Ronald D. Moore, Lynda Obst and day to day show runner Steven Maeda. Thirty years has passed, some 10,951 days! In the past, Kyle dropped his bag with a dead rabbit. The bunny creepily confirming that 30 years has passed! After removing her contact lens, Caleb utters fateful words; “I knew one day you’d come!”
As the fantastic first episode of season two winds down, we return to the past with Sarah, Peter and Kyle. We also know that Sarah too is immortal because her foot heals incredibly fast before the eyes of the clearly flabbergasted Kyle.
To added insult to the (non) injury, Sarah, Peter and Kyle are surrounded by the island’s cult carrying torches. The cult leader who appears, named Sister Anne (Severn Thompson) informs the trio that they are trespassing. Instead of burning them at the stake, Sister Anne leads them off explaining the island is “dangerous”. No kidding Sherlock!
Caleb, subsequent to confirming Jules is an immortal, informs him that the yellow goat cheese virus called “TXM7” outbreak started 30 years ago on the island. Caleb questions why she cares. Jules confesses, the immortals were not so immortal; “We started dying too”!
Kyle, Peter, and Sarah, receive some answers from Sister Anne’s minions in a creepy cult room. They learn that the cult “membership” is over and that they “cut all ties with the outside world.” Sister Amy (Alison Louder) chimes in; we wanted to get away from “people like you.”
Sister Anne inform our season one trio that Brother Michael (Steven Weber), their leader, will join them soon. The three are advised to shut up and not speak to Brother Michael. They are told Brother Michael will “speak to them”.
Brother Michael appears and hugs Peter. We wonder why? Does Brother Michael know Peter?
Michael refuses to answer questions, but gives them “good news”; Sister Anne is prepping rooms for them!
Looks like Kyle, Peter, and Sarah will be staying a while. Oh joy!
The episode ends with quite a few shockers. In the future Caleb gives fixes Jules some food and drink. Jules says she’s “looking for Doctor Alan Farragut”.
Caleb, clearly freaked out, reluctantly admits Alan “is here,” promising to take Jules to him. Caleb elaborates that Jules “may not like what she finds”.
Caleb leads Jules to the cult’s compound in the future. Thirty years after the “vacation” Kyle, Peter, and Sarah “enjoyed”, the cult residence is now a ruin. The two proceed to the cults compound cemetery. Caleb reveals the headstone; Naturally it is none other than the missing Doctor Alan Farragut!
Back in the present, we learn Alan is still alive in that timeline. Now a cloaked monk that only the viewers see that it is Alan. He is serving Sarah dinner in her “guest” room. “Thank you,” says Sarah. As the camera pans back, “Brother Alan” leaves the room without revealing his identity to Sarah.
Lastly, why not end “San Jose” with a bit of dental work, errr, torure with a poor victim getting her teeth forcefully removed?!? With a suction pipe in her throat, the woman is emptied of yellow goat cheese, aka virus “TXM7”!
The stage is set for a fabulous second season with loads of questions seeking answers;
What happened to Sarah’s baby, is she still pregnant, but with an immortal? How and why did Caleb go to the island? How and why did Alan become a cult member only to become buried there? What will Kyle, Peter, and Sarah learn as “guests” of the cult? Did Hatake (Hiroyuki Sanada) become one of the victims of the yellow goat cheese virus that killed the immortals? What has become of Ilaria Corporation? Who the heck is Brother Michael? How did immortal Jules escape death in the past? And, will we see Anana (Luciana Carro), Major Balleseros (Mark Ghanimé), and Tulok (Meegwun Fairbrother) come to the rescue of our heroes on the island (I hope so!)?
I cannot speak for you, the viewer, however, this editor cannot wait for more yellow goat cheese each week in the future, all courtesy of the genius’ that make Helix come to life on our screens!
Stay tuned as the WormholeRiders News Agency Team announces more of our new WHR You Decide video interview series during 2015!
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